Add More Family Members from

Download more generations from FamilySearch

How to add more family members from

Follow these steps:

1. Match all the family members in the import range (the generations to be imported) to their FamilySearch counterparts. For instance, if you want to import two generations of descendants and 2 generations of ancestors for your great grandmother, Ella, then your import range is Ella's children and grandchildren, Ella, Ella's parents, her siblings and her sibling's children, and Ella's grandparents, their children and their children's children who are already in your tree. 

Persons already in your tree who are not matched will be duplicated with their FamilySearch counterparts.

2. Now that everyone is matched, go to your subject's page and click on the FamilySearch icon under the profile. This expands the FamilySearch menu. Select "Download more generations." This will take you to the import screen.

3. Select import range (number of generations of descendants and ancestors.

4. Click "import."

FamilySearch limits the number of people and items (sources, memories, etc.) we can download at once. After you've done an initial import, you still can add more generations (back or down) to your family tree as often as you want to download your entire tree.


After you've linked someone to FamilySearch you'll be able to import new family members you might find in FamilySearch. To do this:

  • Go to the FamilySearch comparison screen for the person (click the FamilySearch icon in the toolbar under the profile header on a person page and then click "Review changes")
  • Scroll all the way down to the "Parents and Siblings" section. Here you will be able to quickly link existing family members if you find a suggested match for them at FamilySearch. 
  • To import new people to your tree use, the left arrow to copy them into your AmericanAncesTREES tree from FamilySearch

How To Prevent Duplicates

If you are doing a FamilySearch download, you must match all the people in the download range. That means if you are downloading 2 generations of descendants and two generation of ancestors, you will need to match all the people in your current tree who are within two generations to their FamilySearch counterparts.

It is also a good idea to inspect the FamilySearch tree before download. FamilySearch has a lot of duplicates. Many are duplicate spouses with duplicate children. Many are duplicate parents with their accompanying duplicate siblings. For example (this is an extreme, unlikely but very possible case), if your subject has ten children, each with ten children, and each of them have ten children, all duplicated, you will be downloading 1000 duplicates into your tree. It is best to eliminate the duplicates at FamilySearch rather than import them into your American AncesTREES tree. 

Why You May Have Duplicates

There are two reasons you have duplicates:

1. All the people in your tree within the range of the FamilySearch download must be matched to FamilySearch or they will be duplicated. After the duplicates are created, you will need to either merge them (using the upside down "y" under the ancestor's profile) or go to the page you don't want and delete it.

2. There are many duplicates in FamilySearch. Chances are your FamilySearch tree has duplicate families attached as parents or spouses and children. It is best to eliminate these prior to your download. After the download, you will need to either merge them (using the upside down "y" under the ancestor's profile) or go to the page(s) you don't want and delete it.

Why "download more people" is limited to a few generations at a time.

You tree is likely connected to thousands of people you are unaware of. Downloading all the connected people at once would make your tree unwieldy. Further, every person in the import range (within the generations being imported) must be matched to FamilySearch prior to importing more people or they will be duplicated with their FamilySearch counterpart. Matching every person is time-consuming for you and probably not feasible. By limiting each download, you can import the people you want.